School Council Meeting Minutes- January 22nd, 2025
In attendance: Erin Hills, Sarah Roberts, Lynda Peterson, Vicki Green, Lesley Sargia, Joanna Marrelli, Lorraine Westcott, Melissa Kilpatrick, Patti Blundell, Dana Sinclair, Elissa Boughen, Sabrina Scott
Welcomes and Introductions
Land Acknowledgement
Principal Report – Erin Hills:
Holiday concert was inside this year and discussions have taken place around doing something
indoor and outdoors next year? Possibly a tree lighting ceremony earlier in December?
Golden dustpan program going well this year, it encourages students to keep their spaced
organized and clean and every class has won it at least once already.
The Anti bullying magic show this month was very well received by students and adults who
attended..Topics included thinking before everything you do, respecting personal space, that
we’re different on the outside, but same on the inside, and touched on cyber bullying, and that
there no such thing as a “tattle tale”, Key message to make it your business to be positive!
High School guidance team has visited and grade 9 registration and course selection is happening
for grade 8s.
High School schedules will come out in June and the Grade 8s will visit HHS again for the Becoming
a Hoya day.
Graduation at Port Cunnington Lodge is booked for Tuesday, June 24th, hopes are to get the grade
8s more involved and prepared for their graduation ceremony.
Intermediate/Junior Badminton teams went to tournaments in Huntsville and brought back medals
and had great times.
Kindergarten registration is now OPEN! Please share the word.
EA Kaitlyn Vinces’ last day will be on January 31st as she is going on Maternity leave. On February 3rd, Sam Hutchinson will be joining us as our new EA
Minus 25 weather or windchill factor mean indoor recess and going immediately into the school in
the morning, Anything temps warmer they go outside.
Re: Two new soccer nets: All plans have been approved by TLDSB, and we will look into installation in
the spring.
Treasure Report – Nicole/Sarah
— $1550 in hot lunch profits from past 3 lunches,
— Other fundraisers totalling $2118
— Month end $5000.27
— Wishlist items bought but not reflected total $675 bringing total available to $4325
— Kinderland: Sturdy wooden Dollhouse $250 bought and arrived!
— Ms Connor science, math and literacy tools ordered and total amount was $424.30
Hot Lunch – Dana and Joanna:
Taco lunch in December raised $472.00
$750 donation from “HOLD”.
Monthly sponsors and huge supporters are Robinsons General Store and Baysville General Store!
Businesses are now approaching us for sponsoring hot lunches! Going into this months hot lunch with $782 from sponsorships!
Next hot lunch:
January 24th, with chicken on a bun with salad and fruit. Vegan and G/F options available.
This will be happening at the second lunch, with most classes being served in their classrooms.
February hot lunch will be on Valentines day, and we will be trying a heart theme.
Dana and Jo have already purchased heart shaped pasta and will approach Erikas or Henriettas for
sweet treat so the day will be considered a cheat day for TLDSB nutrition guidelines.
Breakfast Program – Lynda: The program is going well, great volunteers are in each morning and Lynda is doing the buying and organizing.
The calendar that shows the breakfast menu is shared on the volunteer sign up sheet.
Link is
Right before Christmas, we were awarded a one time grant of $5150 with the money going
towards the breakfast program. This needs to be used by the end of the school year.
Fundraising: – Joanna/Sarah
— Christmas Concert bake sale raised $875! Thanks to all who supported!
— Smile cookie fundraiser update: Local schools are being approved to be the recipients this spring. We
are taking the lead and have reached out to Pine Glen, Spruce Glen, HPS, Riverside and VK Greer. Still
waiting on details for Saint Marys. The funds raised will be divided equally between the schools that
— The fundraiser runs for 7 days, with all proceeds raised going to the schools.
— The Spring fundraiser usally raises $30000-$35000!
— Each school will have one day of the week where 12 volunteers are needed for 4 hours to decorate
— Fundraising could go towards “Outdoor learning opportunities” which could cover a wide range of items
including finishing the Kinderland classroom.
— MOTION to approve entering this fundraising opportunity-Sarah
- MOTION seconded-Lorraine
The Dwight Winter Carnival will not be happening this year due to Chamber of Commerce
disengagement. There is community interest in reviving it for next year.
Wish List items:
Phys ed: Additional yellow t-shirts to replace old ones for Irwin events such as track, badminton,
cross country running. They are used by grades 2-8 and we would love 12- 24 identical to what we
Sarah to look into costs and will bring back to council for approval.
Second set of Soccer goal posts for second pitch. Quote is $2673.21 in total for the 2 nets, soccer
meshing for the nets and delivery. Installation would be extra.
MOTION to approve this purchase-Sarah