May 2024 Parent Council Minutes

School Council Meeting – April 24th, 2024
Dana Sinclair, Nicole C, Erin Hills, Melissa Snell, Joanna Marrelli, Patti
Blundell, Dan Butkovich
Welcomes and Introductions
Principal Report – Erin Hills:

  • Houses built in Grade 8.
  • Dance at Irwin, May 16th, need parent volunteers
  • EQAO starting for grades 3 and 6.
  • Dana and Joanna with donations for snacks for EQAO
  • Parent BBQ – May 14th (Welcome to Kinder, half hour before hand)
  • May 16th Dance for Grades ⅞
  • Graduation pictures for SK and grade 8: May 23rd
  • Heather Douglas Family Photos: May 24th and 25th fundraiser for grad
  • May 29th, Cleary and Hall – Camp Mini Yo We
  • June 17th – Kinder, Bethune, and Connor – Arrowhead Camp
  • June 20th – intermediate trip to Blue Mountain
  • June 21st – Camp Olympia
  • June 24th Grade 8 Grad
  • Office assessment to check out financials: anyone donating money over $25 that
    wants a receipt, needs to go to TLDSB or TLDSB Charitable Trust, with a note
    and they will write the receipt and send us the money. Paper trailing so have
    extra forms in office.
  • Port Cunnington Marina for $500 for hot lunch. (Need to contact about cheque)
  • Plan for money!
  • Graduation dinner is not $50 per person, it’s $50 + 18% gratuity + 13% tax = $67
  • MOTION: Money aside for proper graduation total with the change.
  • Thumbs up from all.
  • What’s the plan for the old jersey’s? Talk to Becca.
  • Water: testing was done with levels not to be up to par. No update yet from
    TLDSB maintenance. Test comes back fine, and we move forward. If water
    doesn’t come back normal, maintenance comes with clean water and fixes it.
  • Tracy is back, EA in Kinder is not there, and we found someone to replace her.
    Drew Todd is her name.
  • Buzzer approved for the front door!
    Treasure Report – Nicole:
  • Update will come later.
    Hot Lunch – Dana:
  • April: tacos
  • Special fundraiser to help with an Irwin Family
  • Raised $260 for school lunch pot
  • Raised $1200 for the Irwin family.
  • Raising money for another Irwin family happening in June.
  • Hot lunch sponsorships: contact local businesses, all expenses be looked after
    by those donations to help with “Wish List” items at Irwin.
  • Going into this month we had $1000 from a business sponsor and now had
    another $1500 for hot lunch.
    Next hot lunch:
  • May 22nd: nacho, guac and churros.
  • June will have a fundraiser and a free lunch.

– Track and Field will be the (free lunch): Kid-cuterie.


  • Cards being made by Hall’s class/Girls club.
  • Envelopes got donated.
  • Din’s offering their services/manpower if we wanted to plant a tree or something?
  • Erin suggested maybe something in place of Greenhouse that didn’t happen to
    memorialize the guy that donated?
    Family BBQ Night: May 14th
    “Multicultural games”
  • Triptta
  • Tiffany
  • Richard Hay
  • Catherine and Andrew West coming to help volunteer.
  • Dwight Lions to come help volunteer?
  • How many games?
  • How many volunteers are needed?
  • Deadline next week? To source products and things.
  • Gym and kitchen will be opened for things if needed.
  • Week before deadline send out.
  • If needed more games, maybe classic old games? (potato sack games, etc.)
  • Tables and garbages out if we can get them out before.
  • Flyer to be sent out and at door?
  • Set up and clean up volunteers needed.
    Wish List:
  • Winter Shovels – Got
  • Kinderland dump trucks (4) – Got
  • Cement floor for outdoor structure.
  • Quotes for cement
  • Patio stone idea? – Dan
  • Erin will reach out to facility for fine details for us.
  • Bernadette reaching out for a potential Dungeon and Dragons club.
  • Check in with Becca for selling card materials?
    Dana: $100 for Gardening things
  • Everyone seconds it.
    Dana: $350 for food cart.
  • Everyone seconds it.
    Next meeting:
    Wednesday, May 29th @ 7pm

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Irwin Memorial Public School

1011 Dwight Beach Road, PO Box 70, Dwight, ON P0A 1H0

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School Schedule
Entry to school
8:35 a.m.
Block 1
8:40 - 10:40 a.m.
Nutrition break / recess
10:40 - 11:20 a.m.
Block 2
11:20 a.m. - 12:40 p.m.
Nutrition break / recess
12:40 - 1:20 p.m.
Block 3
1:20 - 3 p.m.
3 p.m.

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