Highlights from the Board Room – January 28, 2025


Director’s recognition award

Extraordinary contributions to Trillium Lakelands District School Board (TLDSB) by staff members, students, school volunteers, or community members are recognized each Public Meeting of the Board Meeting by the director of education, Wes Hahn. The following individuals were nominated at the January 28 meeting in recognition of their outstanding commitment and dedication to the Board: Campbell Bus Lines Route M241 driver, Garry Thompson, Huntsville Public School students Kennedy and Corbyn, and Huntsville High School student Aspen.

On January 13, Thompson detected that there was something wrong with the bus he was driving during his morning route. Even though he was close to the next school drop-off location, he immediately recognized that there was a potential risk to student safety and pulled the bus over. Thompson acted calmly and decisively in selecting three reliable student riders to help him implement the evacuation protocol and to move all riders to a safe location.

Kennedy, Corbyn, and Aspen assisted without hesitation, followed directions from the driver, and remained calm while helping to evacuate the other student riders and ensure that everyone remained a safe distance from the bus. The driver re-boarded the bus to call dispatch and request that they contact emergency services and send a recovery bus. The driver then conducted a second and third check of the bus to ensure that every student rider had evacuated. When the recovery bus arrived, the three volunteer students demonstrated leadership and care in assisting the other riders to board the new bus to continue their rides to school. After the recovery bus left the scene with the students, a fire did start in the engine area, eventually engulfing the bus.

Thompson’s instincts, his calm, decisive actions, and the assistance of the students are the reasons that no one suffered any injuries and the damage was contained to the bus and did not impact any other structures in the community.

Unfortunately, Kennedy and Corbyn were unable to attend the Board Meeting, but TLDSB was able to formally recognize and thank these individuals for remaining calm in a crisis, and for demonstrating outstanding leadership, quick-thinking, and dedication to student safety.

Director’s update


Director Hahn presented trustees with a full report on the variety of ways TLDSB is approaching attendance across the system, with the goal to increase public understanding that positive student attendance and engagement is an indicator of long-term student success. Hahn also noted that regular school attendance should not be seen as optional, with the understanding that there are occasional unavoidable reasons that it is necessary that a student is absent, such as illnesses, appointments, etc. Areas of outreach to the TLDSB community in regards to attendance have included a Director’s Attendance Forum, regular direct communications with families, an ongoing social media awareness campaign, and vital work being done by classroom teachers, administrators, and re-engagement counsellors.

Hahn also noted that a pilot project has been initiated by associate superintendent of learning, Tanya Fraser, to dive deeper into the work with students who have chronic or persistent attendance issues.

2022-2024 parent/guardian surveys

Director Hahn gave an overview of the survey data TLDSB has gathered from parents/guardians since starting regular surveys in 2022. These surveys request input from parents/guardians related to how they feel about the school year, and asks for recommendations on how TLDSB can support students in having the best possible school year. Hahn noted a number of trends and the topic themes that were provided by parents/guardians in the open-ended question.

2025 Board meeting schedule

Board meetings are open to the public to attend at the host location in-person. For viewing, the meetings are live-streamed and the link is made available on the tldsb.ca website on the day of the meeting.

Public Board MeetingFebruary 25, 20256 p.m.Lindsay Education Centre (LEC)
Public Board MeetingMarch 25, 20256 p.m.Muskoka Education Centre (MEC)
Public Board MeetingApril 22, 20256 p.m.Archie Stouffer Elementary School
Public Board MeetingMay 27, 20256 p.m.Lindsay Education Centre (LEC)
Public Board MeetingJune 10, 20256 p.m.Muskoka Education Centre (MEC)
Public Board MeetingAugust 26, 20256 p.m.Lindsay Education Centre (LEC)
Public Board MeetingSeptember 23, 20256 p.m.Muskoka Education Centre (MEC)
Public Board MeetingOctober 28, 20256 p.m.Archie Stouffer Elementary School
Public Board MeetingNovember 25, 20256 p.m.Lindsay Education Centre (LEC)
Organizational Meeting of the BoardDecember 2, 20256 p.m.Muskoka Education Centre (MEC)

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Irwin Memorial Public School

1011 Dwight Beach Road, PO Box 70, Dwight, ON P0A 1H0

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Entry to school
8:40 a.m.
Block 1
8:40 – 10:40 a.m.
Nutrition break / recess
10:40 – 11:20 a.m.
Block 2
11:20 a.m. – 12:40 p.m.
Nutrition break / recess
12:40 – 1:20 p.m.
Block 3
1:20 – 3 p.m.
3 p.m.

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